Major book suggestings

Story of a sociopath

“Most people have consciences in spite of themselves. I was born without a conscience, or at least i never knew where to find one” ~Story of a sociopath, pg 5.

Thomas Spencer was born lucky and should have been satisfied and content with his life, but his only joy is crushing the dreams of others.  Watch this antagonist raise to power by crushing the weak and using the kind.

Well well well, see this book came out of nowhere and slapped me on the head. I was expecting a sociopath with….kindness, a sense of right and wrong, talent and passion. What i got was a pure and unromanticized character that’s ruining life without a second thought. This book was amazingly new and original, unlike anything I’ve read before. Even though this book astonished me, it wasn’t like i couldn’t put it down. Sometimes i dropped it out of pure shock and glared at it from the floor, either how evil and unkind the character was or what smart, cunning moves he made.

Such an straight-forward title!


A young boy has to take the responsibility of river keeping  and saving his father from being eaten alive. All while a mythical beast eats anything it can find and avoids from being capture.   In this fun ride random characters pop up with their own stubborn goals.

“I got the power” -SNAP!

This book grew me because the writing style was so…wrong. No it was not bad, nor did it not make sense it was truly unruly. The author spelled words how they sound and punctuation flew out the window. After each paragraph i had to stop, reread and critically analyze. It taught me that a book is an author’s world and they can weave and create how they like. It made me  realize how amazing being writer can be So i say that this book grew me as a reader but also inspired me as a writer.  <-Another great book review!


Night shift

Growing as a reader doesn’t always mean you find the most beautiful, inspiring book. It can mean you read a book that’s completely different or new.

This is a series of short stories by Stephen King. Some include killer lawn mowers or the fear of killing to satisfy a addition.

I had never read a Stephen King book before, sure i have heard of them but i always had they feeling they were gory chaos. But when i decided to pick this book i found much better writing process than i thought. Each story had different types of writing, some were letters, some 1st or 3rd person. I didn’t realize how each perspective affected the writing. That really made me appreciate each writer. Also it gave me a taste of the horror/thriller genre so it grew my reading taste.

I suggest if you like this book, as I have, then i suggest you read

  • Children of the corn
  • ‘Salems’ Lot
  • Different seasons

Since the Night shift was a collection of short stories, it contained stories like ‘Children of the Corn’ but a smaller mini story of it. So if you enjoyed the theme or ideas of any of these stories then i urge you to read his complete books. – Here is another great book review of Night shift, With other links to books the author liked and such. Its really great and you should check it out!




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